Happy Birthday ... Again!
Having a child born on December 25th will probably prove to be complicated the older this little girl gets. I absolutely loved the idea that she was born on Christmas day. Her birth, a surprise happening on Chirstmas day, had so much meaning to me and it was a beautiful way to end a horrible year. So it always bugged me a bit when strangers would lament the fact that her birthday was on Christmas. "Poor girl," they would say, "she'll get gypped on presents," or "she'll get lost in the shuffle, etc."
On the way to the hospital in total shock and surprise I said to Dan, "I can't believe she'll be born on Christmas Day." and his immediate response was, "Well, we'll have to give her a birthday party in the summer with her friends." Who knows if that's what we'll end up doing; I think every year will depend on the circumstances and her own wishes. The first year it didn't matter - she was too young to care - and we had a big bash at Bobo's house. This year was a bit more low-key. It did prove to be more work since there is so much going on with Christmas preparations too, so that's partly why it was more low-key.
I think we'll always celebrate it on Christmas night but as she gets older and makes friends we'll decide how to celebrate it with her friends. This year I just decided to put her cute little birthday cake dress back on and bring some cupcakes to day care. I left the camera with Sherry, one of her favorite teachers from her old classroom and let her document the "party." I also sent a little present so she'd have something to open. It was very impromptu and last minute but I'm guessing it will be the last year I can get away with that!
Children's Museum with Isaiah
Thursday nights at the Children's Museum is free so my friend Lindsey and I decided to take the kids to play. The Museum District is right by the Texas Medical Center and since both our husbands work there we had a little family date night. Sofia absolutely adores Isaiah so it was a lot of fun for all of us.
They had these cool chairs you could sit in and pulley the kids up. Sofia cried bloody murder so this is as far up as she got. Isaiah is a brave little boy though and went way high.
Afterward we went to dinner together where the kids went crazy...
and the dads showed off their dorkiness. It was a really fun night!
Nolan's Birthday Party
Sofia's favorite friends at school are all little boys: Kyle, Nolan, Aaden and Bennett especially. So when she was invited to Nolan's 2nd birthday party I knew it was something we couldn't miss. The party was at a Bounce House facility and I thought she'd LOVE it but alas our little princess was scared. I thought maybe forcing her to go down the slide would prove to her just how fun this place was. But that didn't really work. Check out her face in these pics. She's like, "Get me outta here!"
It was funny though that once we got her around her friends and she saw that they were having fun she was alright. Already succumbing to peer pressure... at such a young age. But, whatever works! Notice how much happier she is in these pics.
She looked like such a big girl sitting around the birthday table. This was the first birthday party she'd been invited to and I felt like she was such a big kid now.
Her boys, Aaden, Nolan and Kyle.
Her sweet daddy helping her with her cupcake.
More cupcake, mommy?
Riding the Train at Hermann Park
It was a beautiful day one Sunday so we decided to take Sofia to ride the train at Hermann Park. I underestimated just how much she'd love it. She cried when we left, talked about it for days after (the crying and the train - she always talks about when she cries) and is now in love with trains. So the other day, sick of Barney, I put Thomas the Train on for her and it seems she now has a favorite show. She calls it Phomas. The only problem is that the entire episode all she does is point to the screen and say, "Train, mommy, train. Green train, mommy, blue train, blue train, mommy. Blue train sad. Train has a boo-boo. Elephant! Oooh, train, mommy. Train!" So it looks like we may be back to Barney soon since he's like a hypnotist who keeps my kid quiet. Mother of the year, I know!
I digress; here are the cute pics from the train...
And On a Final Note...
Why would Snoopy need that tiny ol' cowboy hat when it would look so cute on little Sofs? I love that smile!
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