Sofia's new classroom at daycare stresses potty training. Today marks her second week there and while she's been very good at sitting on the potty she has yet to be successful at going in the potty. This past weekend I purchased her first Pull-Up pants. Tonight right after dinner I heard her say, "No poopy." Which is usually a sign that something is coming out of her booty so I hurried her along and said, "C'mon, let's get on the potty!!!" She ran, I yanked off her pants and JUST IN TIME the poop landed in the potty.
Lucky you, I resisted all temptation to take a picture of it!
I was so proud of her. Really, I don't think she knew what she was doing, but I'm excited because I think now she'll be able to make the connection.
And if that wasn't enough... after the successful potty incident we were reading this cool book we bought in NYC called Good Night New York City.

They sell them for several cities and I highly recommend them because it's been a great way for her to remember where she's been and what she's seen. And she recognizes and says the Statue of Liberty and the Staten Island Ferry. But back to tonight...
tonight on the museum page she pointed to Van Gogh's Starry Night and she says, "Men Goh."
She's a crap-going genius. I love her!
Now to the beauty part...
Sofia's been doing some fun and silly things lately. But one that I find particulary funny is that she's been crossing her legs. Like a lady. I finally got a picture of it. So funny...
She also is going through a band-aid phase. Baby's first nose job.
Way to go Sofia! I think I heard a quote somewhere that's very fitting for this moment...
"The hardest part of any journey is taking that first poop".
Or something like that.
"Crap-Going Genius"
I just crapped my pants laughing!
Way to go Sofs!
What a doll! We need to get our girls together to play soon! I love the "crap going genious!" :)
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