Bobo came to visit and Sofia was beyond thrilled. She talks about her Bobo often and pretends to talk to him on the phone quite a bit. She sings Bobo's song, "Sofia es linda. Sofia es linda!" It's so cute.
I'm beyond thrilled that even though they have always lived apart that they have always shared a special bond. I remember last year for Papi's birthday when we went out to lunch Sofia insisted on holding his hand the entire meal.
This time was not much different. We had a fabulous dinner at Shade and Sofia sat at the end of the table in between Papi and me and periodically she would lean over to Papi, grab his arm or lean her head on his arm. It was as if to give him a hug from her confined high chair and I could imagine through her body language she was thinking, "How wonderful that my Bobo is here!"
And the love is reciprocated. Because as we all know coffee is a very important part of Bobo's meal, and only this girl would get away with feeding him cold sips from a tiny spoon.
Bobo's visit was short and we already miss him, but we're hoping to see him again soon.
Car Shopping with Grandpa
The day Sofia was born our beloved Jetta shrunk. So since then we've coveted a bigger car. And mostly because Dan's BMW has crossed the line of embarrassment (he has to start it with a screwdriver, people!) but also in anticipation of having two carseats in our cars one day we're opting for something bigger. We're looking mainly at the Honda Pilot and the GMC Acadia. So it was time to get some test driving done.
Since our usual babysitter, Grandma was away on a retreat we guilted Grandpa into accompanying us. We figured with three adults and one kid we could get it done and Grandpa could serve as part-babysitter, part-educated-opinion-giver.
I underestimated just how much fun Sofia would have in a car show room. She had so much fun driving and so much fun with Grandpa. She even stayed with him while we test drove a car and just waved her sweet little hand as we drove away, content to stay with Grandpa and test drive her own little heart out.
She hopped in the back of pick up trucks.
And she and Grandpa even had a little heart-to-heart in the show room
in which she convinced him that those cookies belonged to her. Check out that smile!
Sofia had a great weekend with her Grandpas. She is so lucky to have two Grandpas who love her so much.
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