no post should be without a photo. here's a favorite of her swinging
I feel a little guilty every once in awhile because I never kept a proper Baby Book of Sofia's first year. Luckily I have this blog and so I sort of use it for that purpose. Not very traditional, but this is a new age.
I also feel guilty every once in awhile because since I don't have a Baby Book I haven't really documented many of Sofia's "firsts." When my nephew, Matthew, was Sofia's age my sister-in-law, Julie, could tell you exactly how many words were in his vocabulary and the first day he said it. While Julie is a bit of a (self-described) neurotic, it sort of made me sad that I didn't have a running list of anything that she did, except walking, maybe. Plus, last time I was at the pediatrician the doctor asked how many words Sofia knew. I drew a blank. I knew she knew stuff but for some reason I couldn't think of anything.
So, all this got me thinking and I've started a list. I can't tell you the first day any of the following occurred but I think that keeps me out of the neurotic category, so maybe that's a good thing. (love you, Julie!)
WORDS These are words she uses often and as far as we can tell, knows what they mean
eye (while pointing to her eye)
Sofia (sounds like "ia")
banana (sounds like "nana")
hello (when the phone rings she puts her fist to her ear. sounds like "oh?") so cute!
hi (that's her standard greeting)
night night (puts her cheek on the ground or nearest object. sounds like "ni ni")
get down (she says this pretty well when she wants off a chair, lap, etc. she also says it while crouching)
thank you
shoe (one of her favorite words)
bye bye (just recently she says this one and it's one of the few she pronounces perfectly)
cute and cool (we must say these words a lot because she repeats them every time we say them. she's never used them on her own, though)
Sign Language
Body Parts she points these out if you ask
tongue (she sticks it out - adorable!)
teeth (she makes like a chomping motion)
Other Things She Says and Does these are things she'll do if you ask
says "shhh" and she puts her finger on her nose, it's really funny. (to me)
quacks when you say duck
woofs when you say doggy
moos when you say cow
ask her for a mad face and she'll wrinkle up her nose and breathe heavy
ask her for happy and she says "ha ha ha"
ask her for sad and she says "boo hoo" (still working on this one)
ask her for silly and she'll take her pacifier out and put it back in the wrong way (one of my faves!)
ask her for happy dance and she stomps her feet as fast as she can
give her a brush and she'll brush her own hair.
Ok, I know she's not a dog! Even though I have her trained to do tricks on command.
I promise, I know she's not a dog!
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