alone in the wilderness, hair in my eyes
I tried once (the photo made a past blog entry) to pull it up into one of those cute ponytails on top of her head. But, she thought I was torturing her while putting it in and she managed to pull it out within a matter of minutes, so that didn't work.
"Look how cute my bow is!"
I also used to put in really cute clips to sweep the hair off her face but now she knows they're there and can't wait to take them out and play with them.

"Ha ha! Mom has no idea I'm about to pull this clip out and throw it at the dog!"
So... no clips, no bows. At least not until she can realize for herself just how cute they are. So, I relented and made her a hair appointment with my hairdresser, Julie. Julie had a baby about 2 weeks before I did and said she'd know what to do. And she only charged me 5 bucks, how cool is that? Luckily, Tia Emily was there to document and Daddy showed up too for moral support.



Jake's First Cut
And while we're on the hair topic, I just have to share this with you too. Sofia's little cousin, Jakey, has her beat. He has already had 2 haircuts in his short 6 months on the planet. But that kid was born with a crazy amount of hair on his sweet head! Julie sent us pictures when he had his first cut and they are so adorable. He was just 4 months, 1 week and 1 day old when these were taken.

yeah, he's cute, but that hair...

I sort of like the mohawk look

oh my gosh! have you seen a cuter baby?
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