Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dinner with the bathtub?

The girls had one of their special overnight stays with Grandma last night. She kept them the whole day so Dan and I could visit and tour Texas Children's Pavilion for Women, the hospital where baby Mayor will be born in just a few short weeks. We also used the free time to have a quiet dinner and a movie out. It was so nice. When we got home we saw this sweet email from Grandma, recapping their night. How cool is Grandma!? It said...

New Book

I bought a new book, and we read it today.  First Sofia read it, then I read it, and then Ana did her best to read it too.  

Then we decided to do what they did in the book, so we ate dinner in the bathtub….hot dogs, mac and cheese, fruit.

Then the girls had dessert -- chocolate popsicles -- in the bathtub.

We decided that if we were going to eat dinner in the bathtub again we would bring in pillows first, and probably use the master bath's tub, for it's larger.

It was fun trying something new and different…….try it sometime yourself, for it's interesting……….a totally new experience.

Love, Grandma

These girls are so blessed to be able to have such a close relationship with a grandma who is nearby and loves to do fun and different things with them. You can see the joy in their faces! We're glad to be so close. I know they're growing up making wonderful memories at Grandma's house that they will keep with them forever. 

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