Saturday, August 24, 2013

Last days of Summer

Ana is starting the day off this morning with two of her favorites--an "OP bar" and the "Elephant Monkey Hat" movie on the iPad. 

Her vocabulary is still developing so some days we're still at a loss figuring out what she's trying to say. She was persistent one day for a good twenty minutes or so asking for an "OP bah" I'm not sure how we eventually figured out that she meant a "protein bar"--"ahhhh! Duh." Sofia helped us out with "Elephant Monkey."

"She wants to watch Curious George, Mom!" 

Of course she does! The movie poster on Netflix shows an elephant, a monkey and the man with the yellow hat. So now she calls it "Elephant Monkey Hat." Makes sense to me. 

Dan and I can't get over how much she reminds us of Curious George. She has his energy, they sort of sound the same and they even kind of look alike--big eyes, button nose and that great big smile. If I'm honest I'm just happy that this summer we've managed to find something that keeps her still for more than 30 minutes, but the real truth is that the smile on her face while she's watching it melts my heart. 

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