Two years ago she was still growing inside my belly, just one year ago she was discovering her world so slowly, pulling herself up and cruising along the couch and today she's running and laughing and counting (all by herself!) to 15!
She's discovering her world so quickly now. Everytime I turn around she's doing or saying something new... and I'm so proud of her.
This morning after buckling my girl in the car, right before closing the car door, she says to me, "Bye bye, Mommy. Be good." Ha! That's what we say to Jax every morning before we leave.
When her daddy comes home she runs to the door and squeals, "Daddy hee-ew!"
She looks at photos of our closest family members and calls them by name. And when I mention to her today that we're going out of town tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family, after I name off everyone who will be there and realizing that I didn't name off any of her grandparents, little Sofia pauses, and asks, "Bo-boooh? Ma-mah, Pah-pah?" She knows her family. And she knows they love her.
As the pumpkin bread (the one Mom used to make every year) bakes in the oven I sit here and I am thankful!
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Here are some of the latest happenings...
I am so lucky because it seems our little girl loves housekeeping! She loves to help Dan put away the dishes. She loves to help me do laundry.
And ever since her gig as a witch she loves her "oom." Actually she prefers our broom, the big one.
It's sweet to have her help. It usually means things don't get done as quickly or perfectly but hopefully the investment will pay off in the end. I could have her cleaning this whole house by age 5... ya think?
One of Sofia's most favorite pastimes these days. It keeps her busy at restaurants. I love to see that concentration in her face.
IKEA with Isaiah
My friend Lindsey and I took the kids to IKEA to do a little shopping. It's actually a great place to bring the kids. The kids section is full of toys and furniture for them to play on and climb all over. We got there before they opened but they let us anyway and the kids had a blast just climbing on the couches and drumming on the coffee tables in the waiting area.
These two have a lot of fun together and so do the mommies! Isaiah's wearing the t-shirt we got him New York City ... isn't he a cutie?
I was able to buy Sofia some chairs of her own at IKEA. She sits at the same table that her Grandma used as a child and that her Dad and uncle used too. It's so neat to know that another generation is using that table to color and play on.
She was so excited about her new chairs that I brought them into the kitchen to let her eat breakfast like a big girl. And as you can see Jax looks excited too to be even closer to Sofia's food!
Beauty Queen
Tia Emily introduced Sofia to her makeup brushes on our last trip to Dallas. And the other night as I was putting on makeup Sofia peeked over my makeup drawer and asked, "Buh-sh?" So I let her play with one. She loves to rub it on her cheek, and her eyes, and her hair, and her neck, all while naming off each body part.
Then as Dan helped me clasp a necklace she looked up at me, "Neck-lush?" So I gave her one to play with. It was so cute to see my little girl, the same one who loves trucks and airplanes, be a little girlie.
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