We had so much fun this Halloween! Part of the fun of having children is getting to see the world through their eyes. I love watching Sofia discover new things and experiences for the first time.
Last year we dressed her up as a monkey (she is our little monkey, after all) and took lots of great pictures of her crawling around in costume. But this year was different because she got to Trick or Treat for the first time. And next year will be even better because she'll probably actually enjoy it then.
This year we decided to dress her up as a witch. It's also probably the last year in which we'll get to chose the costume for her. Dan thinks that Halloween costumes MUST be scary. I don't quite know how you make such a cute little girl like our Sofia scary but I figured a witch may be as close as we'd get.
The day before Halloween
On Friday we took her in partial costume to the Discovery Green Park. She loves her new toy broom, which she calls an "oom." I love her new black Chuck Taylor high tops!
The park was pretty empty and she was finally brave enough to play on the elevated jump mesh. Her feet are finally big enough that she doesn't fall straight through! She was actually a little scared but handled herself like a big girl.
Sofia loves the park and we had a lot of fun seeing the new Cool Globes Exhibit,
and Sofia loves holding the leash and taking Jaxy (who she now calls "Buddy") for a walk.
The next day, Saturday, was finally the big day. Halloween had arrived! I loved getting her dressed. I know before too long she won't need my help anymore...
She was all dressed up and ready to go. I took so many pictures of her I couldn't even hardly narrow it down to these, but here are some of my favorites.

It was finally time to Trick or Treat. She headed down the street with Dan to our neighbor's house. I loved the way she would drag the broom behind her. This was really the only stop we made. She got a little shy, you can see her looking to the camera for help. But was more than happy to take the candy. She was so excited about the candy which was funny because I'm not sure she really knows what it is.

After that stop we headed to a couple of neighborhood street parties. Sofia had fun running around. And it seemed that Halloween really wore her out because she fell asleep pretty early in her stroller even before the walk home.
Halloween was so fun - we had a great time - and I'm so looking forward to making more memories with our little

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