Ridiculously hot.
Which is why I am so surprised at how much I was looking forward to July 4th and all it's festivities. Regardless of the heat we had a great weekend.
The Park with Grandma
If you haven't figured out by now, I love, love, love the new park downtown. On Friday they were having a come one, come all Gymboree class at the park. So Grandma came over and we took Sofia.

Although she was a bit hesitant at first it seemed she liked it alright. At least when I was around. She's going through a clingy stage but that usually happens after weekends when I leave her with other people, like I did the last weekend.
Anyway, she seemed pretty interested in whatever she was watching. I love her sweet eyes in this picture.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at the park,
blowing bubbles with Grandma
and getting sprayed by the Mist Fountain for the first time.

She really loved that. I don't think I've seen my daughter with a smile for that many consecutive minutes in my life. We can't wait to bring her back.
That night we had dinner with some friends and Sofia got to wear No. 2 of 3 Fourth of July outfits. This picture is mainly for Tia Emily's benefit.
July 4th
Saturday night I was so excited to finally celebrate the Fourth of July. Sofia put on the most patriotic dress she could find
and we headed over to Mel and Dee's for yet another awesome meal.
After dinner I insisted on heading out to see the fireworks. It was a little past her bedtime but she was a trooper.
We drove a few minutes away from the house and stood on a bridge over I-10 and watched them light up the sky over downtown. Sofia watched in awe for approximately 10 seconds
before spotting a puppy a hundred yards away. "Doggie," she exclaimed and that was it. She'd lost all interest in those bright kabooms in the sky. We went home.
Now We've Got Soul!
Our friend Brad and his family are hosting a young woman from Israel. She's here for the summer teaching at their Jewish Community Center. In an attempt to show her different slices of American life they decided to take her to the House of Blues downtown which hosts a Gospel Brunch every Sunday.
You eat what you want from this huge array of southern favorites, including chicken and waffles while being serenaded by a full scale gospel concert. Sometimes they have full choirs, this day they had a quartet.
I've always wanted to go and this was the perfect excuse to drag Dan and Sofia to see it.
It was interesting to say the least. The food was great and the music was good. It was definitely an experience! It was also fun to see Sofia's reaction to all that loud music. She was scared at first but she got comfortable before too long and was running all over that place.
Didn't I mention it earlier? It's hot.
Man, it's hot this summer. Unfortunately, our little old house doesn't stay very cool either. So we got out of the house and cooled off with some TCBY. Sofia loved it!
She kept sticking her tongue out and just waiting for the ice cream to be brought to her.
Smart girl!
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