Right after work / daycare, we headed straight to Hobby Airport to catch a plane.
Luckily the seat between us was empty. We buckled her up and we were ready to go!
We were on our way to our annual South Padre Island trip. It was my fifth year, Dan's third and Sofia's second (third if you count in utero!) My dear friend from college, Sara. Her parents own a lovely condo right on the water and they're nice enough to let us come visit whenever we want. The group varies every year but this year since her husband had to work it was just going to be Sara and us... for five days!
You will notice, this blog entry is photo-heavy. But there are only so many photos you can take of pure relaxation. And only so much commentary you can make on it too. Ahhh, bliss!
Day One
Sofia woke up and was fascinated by the baby swing in our room. She wanted so badly to get in and "rock, rock, rock, rock" like her and Grandma's song.
Last year Sara's parents surprised us with this swing for Sofia. This year she wished she could swing in it. But she's too big now. She didn't even remember what a cutie little baby she was last year. But we do!

When we're on vacation we splurge - so Sofs should too! That morning she had her first taste of a powdered donut.
I think she liked it!
Then we got on our suits and headed down for the beach.
It was really Sofia's first taste of the ocean. Last year it rained most of the time and there was virtually no sun. This year she had a blast! She loved the ocean and loved playing in the water
and was mesmerized by the sea gulls.
We bought a little kiddie pool and filled it up with ocean water.
It was a great way to keep her cool, occupied and content so we could do a lot of relaxing. We could tell by her smile: this was going to be a fun time!
Day Two
This day went much like the others:
Sofia modeled her new bathing suit and pink Crocs.
We played in the ocean. She loved digging up the sand and putting it on Mommy's legs. I would say, "Ewww!" and then she would say, "Ewww!" Very cute, but I'm glad that word didn't come home with us.
Can you see the pure joy in her smile? She's so sweet.
Her favorite snack at the beach were "bawies." I'm surprised she hasn't turned into a strawberry.
On this particular day Mommy and Daddy were having way too much fun on the beach to go up for naptime. But Sofia was tired. Here she gives us her first clue
and then another clue.
and we finally take a hint. Thank God (and Tia Clarita and Maggie) for the BOB stroller.
Then Daddy followed suit. Look at both my babies passed out on the beach. This is the life!
Last year we took this picture and Dan keeps it in a frame on his desk at work.
He loved that picture so much that this year he wanted to recreate it. He even packed the same shirt. I love it! He's so sweet, my guy.
Day Three
First a little Barney and paci while waiting for the lazy adults to get their asses out of bed.
And once they do, Sofia finally was able to model beach look, day three, with the cute t-shirt that Grandma gave her for the occasion.
This day was spent at the pool, strutting around in yet another adorable bathing suit,
floating in her panda boat,
playing with Mommy,
and Tia Sara.
Day Four
By this time we've fallen into a very pleasant routine.
Sofia fashion show.
Drinks on the beach.
Friends and doggie.
Goofing around til bedtime.
I bought Sofia this Mexican housedress last year with this trip in mind. Then when I was in Mexico in Feb I bought myself one to match.
Dan was hanging around in a wifebeater. So we took a South Texas Family Portrait.
Day Five
The last beach day. Sad thing, because we've had so much fun!
But good thing, cuz we're out of new suits to model.
Daddy had fun throwing her up in the air. I should have gotten video. She loved it.
Day Six
Sofia sat quietly while we shut down the condo. Then headed to the airport.
We hate leaving. We have so much fun every year with Sara and company. But it's always good to know that we'll be back next year.
Harlingen airport has this cool little play area for kids right in front of our gate. On this day they were changing out the ball pit. Sofia demanded he work faster. Didn't he know she had a flight to catch!?
Since she couldn't get in the ball pit she just ran around with them.
And slid down a soft slide
until it was time to board our plane.
We had so much fun!!! Until next year...
If you care to compare here's a link to last year's Beach Trip 2008.
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