The only good that came out of it was my friendship with three other girls who felt my pain, Bobby, Lindsey and Kristy. We used to walk to lunch regularly to local restaurants and fantasize of being hit by a car on the way back. Nothing fatal, just enough of an injury to keep us out of the office for the afternoon or all week!
Yes, it was that bad.
Luckily, we've all moved on from ANICO now and Bobby, Lindsey and I eat lunch together regularly. Kristy, however, moved to San Antonio. Then we started having babies. Except Bobby, but she's going to catch up soon!
Kristy started it about three years ago when she had Mackenzie.
Then there was a baby boom. This time Kristy had Kamryn.
Then eight days later I had Sofia.
Then Lindsey had Isaiah six months later.
And now almost a year later Kristy is expecting baby Nolan soon. So we decided to get together to celebrate baby Nolan and just to catch up. We left the husbands at home, Kristy's husband got lost and we terrorized Kristy's house for a weekend.
We left Houston late Friday night. The kids were snug in their pjs, tummies full and they slept the whole way to San Antonio.
Well, they did wake for a bit when the officer's flash light shone in their faces. Bobby was pulled over for speeding. But I think the babies saved us. It seems their cuteness was a factor in her only getting a warning. By the way, she's really a very good driver!
We got to Kristy's around midnight. Sofia and Isaiah were wide awake and ready to play. They had lots of fun playing on the air mattress. And Sofia learned to say her old friend's name. She pointed at him often during this trip and would say, "I-yah!" She must be in love.
We eventually made it to bed. The next day Kristy's mom and aunt came over and were crazy (sweet) enough to watch all the kids while us girls hit the town. We got our toes done, ate lunch and were able to talk without kids in the way. Kristy's mom somehow managed to put clips in Sofia's hair. And Sofia managed not to pull them out. I was amazed. Sofia was cute. She loved to rock in the rocking chair and sing the song Grandma sings, "rock, rock, rock, rock..."
Later that afternoon Kristy brought in a company called Piggies and Paws. It's such a great idea. They come to your house and take your child's foot and / or hand print
and use that to make an artistic rendering of your choice.
The kids loved getting their hands dirty and I can't wait to see how Sofia's poodle turns out. I chose the poodle because one of her favorite words is "doggie" so I thought it would be nice to look back at her little handprint and remember one of her first words.
Isaiah went first and did his hand
and then his foot.
Mackenzie did her foot.
Kamryn did her hand.
And then Sofia got hers done too!
That night we were all exhausted. The kids took a bath.
Played in their pjs.
We ate a ridiculously huge amount of food. A platter to be exact.
We watched a Lifetime movie and went to bed.
The next morning we said goodbye to an exhausted Kristy and headed to do a little tourism. We posed them at the Riverwalk.
And then the Alamo. We took some pictures so we'd never forget. As they say, "Remember the Alamo!"
By the end of it all we were just as exhausted as they were. But it was a good time had by all!!!
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