Friday, September 17, 2010

The Things That Happen When I'm Not in the Room

I don't quite know what possesses this kid to leave me these piles of like items but every once in awhile I'll walk in a room and find something like this,

a pile in the middle of the kitchen floor of all her plastic cups on top of a folded up dish rack.

Or the time we went into her room after a bath and I found a pile like this,

all her Crocs lined up like little soldiers. But while I ran to grab the camera to document these mysterious piles she'd decided she needed to wear the yellow ones. Ok, maybe she has too many Crocs.

I don't know what it is about her little lined up piles of stuff but it is quite curious.


Every parent knows of the dreaded moment where it gets too quiet in the other room. You know, so quiet that she must be up to something. Today when the quiet loomed in the air I walked in the living room to this.

Seems as if somebody had discovered a Fisher Price toy catalog which came in the mail that day. She later had me tear out the page with the humongous pink dollhouse because as she explained to me, "I need that. Do you think we should buy it, please? I need it. Should we get it at the store?" So cute, right?

But I told her that if she was a really good girl maybe she'd get it for her birthday. To which she responded, not like my sweet little baby girl would, but instead how a full-blown KID would. "Not for my birthday! I want it today! I neeeeeed more toys."

What the hell? When did that happen? Where did my baby go?

And speaking of babies it looks like we're going to have to keep a careful eye on Sofia after the new baby gets here. Because this is how she thinks baby dolls should sleep.

She does this every time she puts her dollies to sleep; she covers their faces. And every time I tell her the babies can't breathe that way. Don't worry, when she wasn't looking I removed the dishtowel, I mean baby blanket, and saved them from suffocation.

This little Sofia is so much fun! She's talking more and more these days. And full, complete, long sentences too. And she's always making us laugh. Here are some funny things she has said of late...

"When my boobies grow up and I have a baby in my tummy I'll be a mommy just like you!"

"Mommy, are you going to your-ami's house?" I've been telling her about our upcoming trip to Miami and I've just realized that she thinks I'm saying "my ami!" I'm not sure how to explain that one to her!
When Dan asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she answered like this. "A doctor to help animals. And a doctor to help people. And a giraffe. I want to be a giraffe when I grow up."

1 comment:

Kendra said...

That was about the cutest post ever! It's so funny because Ella does that whole lining like items up too! We have always called her the hoarder because she always makes piles of her toys and totes them around the house. :)