2011 was a whirlwind. I could barely catch my breath! But things around here are settling down.
Sofia settled into school well. She is four now and already counting the days down until she's five. We keep reminding her to enjoy four.
Ana has settled into her own as well. We can hardly believe she will be ONE in just a few short weeks. She is still full of smiles and laughs. She's started to stand on her own and she's picking up on the sign language for "milk" and "all done." She can clap and blow kisses but still has only two little bottom teeth.
Dan and I have settled down too. Now that Sofia is in school our nights are spent quietly in the home, eating dinner as a family and enjoying our routines. We've succumbed to the truth that the home just won't always look perfect and that these kids sometimes get the best of us but we're really, really happy so it's ok.
It's my earnest hope to keep this blog updated so we have our memories logged. These are precious and important years and I want our girls to be able to look back and know how much they are loved.
One year ago, 2011. This was our first family portrait; taken the day Ana came into our lives.
And here are the most recent family portraits from November. What a difference a year makes - what a fun time!

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