After awhile they did another hunt for a few of the late kids. But the other kids were too big and too fast. Every time she would spot an egg it would be snatched up by the time she made it there.
We walked the perimeter of the park though and she did find a few. She's such a happy laid-back kid and was more than content with that.
And even more content to realize that these eggs had candy and stickers in them. No longer ignorant Sofia was ready to enjoy all the candy that Easter had to offer.
Daycare Egg Hunt
On Holy Thursday Sofia's school held an egg hunt. One of the other mom's sent me some pics. I love that we have a picture of all the friends in her class with her teacher, Ms. Claudia.

Bobo is Here
Good Friday was really good for us. Bobo came to visit! Sofia was so excited to pick him up at the airport.
We took Bobo to the mall,
and played at the indoor park.
When we got home Sofia had a gift waiting for her from Emi. There was a beautiful basket purse for Easter Sunday and a ceramic bunny that belonged to Baba which we will take out every Easter and treasure. But Sofia was really more intrigued with the chocolate carrot and the baby chick.
On Saturday Sofia showed off her cute little bunny basket (and the new shirt Bobo gave her) she made at school. It's the bottom part of a 2-liter coke bottle painted white and decorated to look like a bunny. It was so cute!
We went out for a nice dinner, after which Sofia had the biggest bowl of ice cream she's ever seen,
and Bobo made Sofia an accomplice in his Splenda theft ring.
Easter Sunday
I put the finishing touches on my coconut cupcakes
and we headed out the door for church.
After church we headed to Spring to spend Easter Sunday with the Henkes. Aunt Betty and Uncle Bob have the best yard for an egg hunt and we always have so much fun visiting with them. Grandma and Grandpa were there
and lots of the Henke's family, including Margaret and her family. Sofia was especially excited to see Nathan who's just one week younger than her and his little brother Matthew who is just a few months old and as cute as a button!

It was nice for Sofia to have a day with all her grandparents.

Even if she wasn't particularly excited about posing with her Grandpas.
Check out that pout!

And it was nice to have Papi there who found some political allies in the Henkes. He wanted to take a picture with the Tea Party sign in their front yard. I thought he was kidding.
He wasn't.
After a delicious brunch the kids went out back for yet another egg hunt. This one was great because the competition wasn't quite as stiff and there were about a hundred eggs. Plus, Sofia unknowingly made it a perpetual egg hunt. Sofia would run with her basket full of eggs and some would fall out without her even noticing so then when she turned around there were more eggs to find. She and Nathan had a lot of fun and all the adults followed them around like paparazzi.

If there was one thing Sofia learned during the past two egg hunts it's that Easter eggs should be filled with candy. But thankfully (for me) these eggs didn't have any candy. They were filled with prizes and coins.
She was all business while opening her eggs. She would shake the egg to see if there was something inside. Then she'd open the egg, realize it was just money and quickly close and discard it. She had zero interest in the ones with "mundy" in them. But was finally appeased once she eventually stumbled upon one with a fruit snack.

The whole afternoon was so much fun. Aunt Betty gave Sofia some great toys and bubbles and books. She especially loved the beach basket and shovel. The fountain in the backyard was probably filled up with dirt from all of Sofia's digging. Both the kids loved playing in the fountain and in the dirt.

Sofia discovered this little doggy statue which is just the back half of a dog. It's meant to look like a dog who has stuck his head underground. She lifted the little guy up and said, "Doggie broken."

The kids enjoyed the backyard and sat down together for a cupcake.
I think they were a hit.
Nathan and Sofia seemed to like playing together. It's fun to get them together every year and see how much they change.
It was such a lovely end to a lovely Easter weekend. We are so blessed!
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