Uncle Jeff's family lives in Olathe, Kansas and they're some of the funnest (I so-want that to be a word) people we know. So as soon as we heard there was to be a shower for Emily and Jeff in Kansas City we knew we'd pack up the fam' and head on up!
It was Sofia's first flight as a paying customer which means
she I got my very own seat! She did great on the flight.
Jeff's parents, John and Nancy were so accommodating. Their house is awesome. It has a full bar downstairs and we were allowed to get a fresh cold mug every single time we opened a beer. And Sofia loved bouncing down the stairs one step at a time on her booty. They even remembered Dan's birthday and Nancy even made him a cake (she bakes in the fridge - it's awesome!) and they showered Sofia with presents. The neighbors gave us full access to their backyard swingset which was great! Sofia kept asking to go to the park!
Sofia has just recently gotten over the worst of her shy phase so this trip was nice to see her open up to new people. She kept calling John, Jeff. I think she was confused. She'd play coy when he was around and the minute he left the room we would be inundated with the same question over. And over. And over.
"Where'd Jeff go?"
"It's John, Sofia. His name is John," we'd explain.
"Where'd John go? Where'd John go?" Every five minutes.
He intrigued her. But it's no surprse - she's the same way with Uncle Jeff.
She loved Aunt Nancy too. Aunt Nancy let Sofia help her make pancakes the first morning we were there.

Kansas City was so beautiful too. I guess I just didn't know what to expect but I was blown away by how beautiful the whole city and surrounding area is. We spent the afternoon at
Country Club Plaza, or as the locals call it, The Plaza. The weather was fantastic and all the Bradford Pears were in bloom. I could have spent all day there!

Emily and I spent some time shopping while Sofia, Daddy and the others relaxed at a bar with a beer. No, Sofia did not have a beer.
Sofia colored,

and played some online bar games.

Then we all headed to dinner.

Outside of the restaurant Sofia posed with a bull.

We were at Fiorella's Jack Stack Barbecue and were about to experience Burnt Ends. It was so good!

The next day was the couples baby shower. It was so beautiful and so much fun - even with a two year old in tow!

Emily and Jeff opened a ton of gifts. Baby K sure is loved!

I knew something was up when John sneaked his head around the corner.

Looks like Uncle Jeff's favorite Sesame Street character growing up was Grover and he was making an appearance!

Of course it didn't take Sofia long before she wanted to check him out.

It took a bit of coaxing but I finally got Jeff to pose with his old pal, Grogie.

And then a family portrait. I sure hope Baby K won't be that big anytime soon!

We all had so much fun at the shower. It was such a nice time. But I don't think any of us had as much fun as Sofia did. She was such a trooper. We kept her up waaay later than she needed to be and she still managed to avoid any meltdowns or spill anyone's drink!
Whether she was hiding in the bathrooms,

playing with her Tia Emily,

coloring quietly in the backyard,

or posing with her new friend (maybe my new favorite picture of our little Sofia Monkey),

no matter what she was doing, she was having fun!
But I don't think anyone made quite as big an impression on her as Hobbs. Hobbs is a
bullmastiff. Hobbs is unlike any dog I've ever seen. Hobbs is as big as a horse.

Sofia really loves all animals, especially dogs. And this dog was just as cuddly and sweet as a teddy bear but I'm not going to lie his sheer size was intimidating. But Hobbs was Sofia's new best friend and she had no fear.
A side note for those of you who knew my mom and her fear of dogs. It was as if I could feel her poking me from heaven. I could hear her voice asking me in Spanish what the hell I was doing letting Sofia get that close to this animal. Heck, I could practically imagine her actually peeing her pants. I couldn't help but laugh.
Anyway, Sofia loved giving Hobbs treats,

and shaking his paw.

I'm telling you, she couldn't get enough of Hobbs. It was really sweet.

And I couldn't resist this shot of Hobb's two-year old paws next to Sofia's two-year old feet. So cute!

The whole weekend was so great. Everyone was so nice and Kansas City was so beautiful. And Sofia can't wait to get back ... Aunt Nancy, she misses your cooking!