I jotted down some cute things this kid does that I don't ever want to forget... along with a sprinkle of some recent cute pics.
counts to twenty but usually skips 12-16; counts to ten in Spanish but skips 6 and seven but loves to say "ocho"
sings Twinkle, Twinkle; Baa Baa Black Sheep, some Backyardigans songs, B-I-N-G-O, Where is Thumbkin and very clearly sings I Love You (Barney song). Uncle Jeff asked her what her favorite song was and she responded, "Uhhh, ABCs" and then sang it.
always picks the "boo one" - her favorite color must be blue
pronounces things cute like: o-tay for okay; yook for look; buddy waddit for bunny rabbit; wahwee pop for lollipop, adds an few extra syllables to alligator so it sounds something like awahwaha-agtor
loves to play itsy sahwer on daddy's phone peez!
lists things and draws out the word: ... aaaaand... aaaaaand... aaaaaand... aaaaaand
laughing too hard gives her the hiccups. she has the hiccups a lot.
first answer to a question starts with: "uhhhh"
finally made friends with the old guy at Berryhill and even gives him hugs whereas she used to cry at the mere sight of him.
talks on the "phone" with her fist a lot, usually to Bobo. The other day on the phone she said "Hi Bobo. Nice to meet you," to her fist. Nice to meet you sounds more like "Machu Picchu" but to my knowledge she knows nothing about Peru.
she looks so funny when she closes her eyes on purpose
sings her ABCs but gets stuck in a loop at the end "WXY and Z. Now I know my ABCs," but instead of saying "next time won't you sing with me," she accidentally repeats, "HIJKLMNOP, QRST..." and so on until she decides she's done and celebrates by saying "Yea!" as she does at the end of almost all songs.
washes her hands obsessively
likes to cook, help, laundry, clean

calls me "Mommy-Mommy" which I find so endearing. Sometimes I'll call her "Fia-Fia" back to her.
can spell her name and drags out each letter "Esssss" "ohhhhhh" "ef" "iiiiii" "a" and then very largely and dramatically sings, "So-fia!!!!!"
We are so proud of our little girl. My heart just bursts with joy when I think about how much she's grown and learned in her short little life!
1 comment:
I'm so glad you wrote all of this down. What special memories!
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