Saturday, February 27, 2010

Getting Well Soon

As many of you know I've been dealing with complications from one of the few stitches I had to fix a small tear that happened during Sofia's birth two-plus years ago. Last Thursday I had what I hope to be the last of three surgeries for what has turned out to be an anal fistula.

Don't know what that is? Google it. Actually, don't; it's not worth knowing. Ick.

Anyway, I was so touched yesterday when these arrived.

I couldn't imagine who had sent them to me. Until I read the card and I laughed my culo off.

Don't know what culo is? Google it.

Thank you to my brothers and sisters. It really made my day!!!

1 comment:

Kazmowife said...

The fact that the card is handwritten makes it even better!

Glad you're on the mend!