I bought her the boots in anticipation of our trip to the Northeast next week. Grandma was babysitting the day I got them and showed them to Sofia. I imagined she would think they were as adorable as I did, but instead she was very wary of them. You would have thought they had spikes on the inside the way she fussed when we tried to coax her little foot inside. Grandma and I used every tactic we could think of. We let her favorite stuffed frog try them on, we let Grandma try them on, Grandma even busted out a pair of her own boots and modeled them for Sofia. No matter how hard she tried she wouldn't put those adorable boots on her adorable feet. So I gave up.
Until this weekend. Finally a cold front came in and I wanted her to get used to these big boots before we got to New York. As I pulled them out she was already fussing and saying No. I was going to insist she wear them but first I thought I'd try a calmer way. I told her they were boots like Dora the Explorer's monkey friend, Boots, wears. Then I said, "Grandma has boots. Mommy has boots," and then Dan chimed in with what would finally win her over. "Even Kyle wears boots."
Her face lit up. And her little hands went for the boots. I can just imagine in that head of hers, her thinking, "Well, if Kyle wears boots, then by all means..." And what do you know? Now she loves her boots. It was that simple.
For those of you who don't know, Kyle is her favorite friend at day care. She spends all day speaking of him. His name is the answer to many questions and she oftentimes just blurts out his name for no reason. He's the first person she runs to when she gets to day care and she loves to give him hugs.
And now, thanks to Kyle she put on those adorable boots!
Too cute! I almost bought some cowboy boots for Isaiah but I figured I would never get them on him. Maybe if we told him Sofia wears boots, we could convince him to put them on!
She looks sooooooooooo cute in those adorable boots! We need to get our little ones together soon! :)
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