Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin... Apple!

Seems our little girl has a sense of humor.

As soon as Halloween neared a local party store by our house put a huge inflatable pumpkin on top of their warehouse. Sofia sees it everyday on the drive home and the first day she saw it she yelled, "Ap-poo!" I sort of giggled and said, "I know that may look like an apple, but it's actually a pumpkin." This continued the next day, and the day after that until eventually she started a debate with me. It goes sort of like this:

Sofia: Ap-poo
Me: No, that's a pumpkin, Sofia.
Her: Ap-poo!
Me: Pumpkin!
Her: Ap-pooooooo!!!
Me: Pumpkiiiiin!!!
Her: Ap-poo, ap-poo, (very high pitched now) ap-pooooooo!!!!

It goes on like this now at the sight of any pumpkin. And she laughs. She knows she's getting me. We have our first inside joke. She's so fun-loving, my girl!!

So in honor of apples (or pumpkins) here are some photos I took of Sofia at our last trip to the grocery store where they had a whole "ap-poo" display. She tried immediately to pick one up.

Then I had her sit on one of the small pumpkins but that was kind of awkward.

So I had her sit on a huge pumpkin and smile at me. She's such a doll!

But I guess now she thinks pumpkins (or ap-poos) are primarily used for seating because this is the first thing she did with the pumpkin we took home.

And while we're on the pumpkin topic, remember this? This is one of my all-time favorite pictures of my little pumpkin... just about a year ago. Where did the time go...?

Monday, October 26, 2009

I heart NY

We're back!

We had so much fun. Sofia loved meeting so many new friends and family and seeing so many new sights in New Haven and NYC. As soon as I sort through the 600+ photos we took I'll share some of them here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I got a new camera. And it was just in time to take a picture of the utter cuteness that is Sofia in her new skinny jeans and boots.

I bought her the boots in anticipation of our trip to the Northeast next week. Grandma was babysitting the day I got them and showed them to Sofia. I imagined she would think they were as adorable as I did, but instead she was very wary of them. You would have thought they had spikes on the inside the way she fussed when we tried to coax her little foot inside. Grandma and I used every tactic we could think of. We let her favorite stuffed frog try them on, we let Grandma try them on, Grandma even busted out a pair of her own boots and modeled them for Sofia. No matter how hard she tried she wouldn't put those adorable boots on her adorable feet. So I gave up.

Until this weekend. Finally a cold front came in and I wanted her to get used to these big boots before we got to New York. As I pulled them out she was already fussing and saying No. I was going to insist she wear them but first I thought I'd try a calmer way. I told her they were boots like Dora the Explorer's monkey friend, Boots, wears. Then I said, "Grandma has boots. Mommy has boots," and then Dan chimed in with what would finally win her over. "Even Kyle wears boots."

Her face lit up. And her little hands went for the boots. I can just imagine in that head of hers, her thinking, "Well, if Kyle wears boots, then by all means..." And what do you know? Now she loves her boots. It was that simple.

For those of you who don't know, Kyle is her favorite friend at day care. She spends all day speaking of him. His name is the answer to many questions and she oftentimes just blurts out his name for no reason. He's the first person she runs to when she gets to day care and she loves to give him hugs.

And now, thanks to Kyle she put on those adorable boots!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

August Pictures from Grandma

In an attempt to catch up I'm going to share some photos with the blog. Grandma always takes great pics of Sofia when they're together and August was no different.

Uncle Dave came to visit with Caroline, Katelyn and Ashleigh. Sofia had so much fun playing with her girl cousins. Funny, it's all girl cousins on one side and (so far) all boy cousins on the other.

We got to have dinner together and the girls played together. They even helped us give Sofia a bath and get her into her pjs. But it seems their favorite toy of all may have been the box where all the toys are kept. They loved hiding in it and jumping out. Ashleigh's face is hilarious!

It was great to see them all together and Grandma got a great shot of all of them here. I know she must have been so happy to have all her girls (and her boys) in one place!

Weekends with Grandma and Grandpa
Grandma and Grandpa help Dan and I out a lot by watching Sofia overnight and sometimes over the whole weekend. And every visit with them means Sofia is learning something new.

This time Sofia learned how to unzip her pjs. Actually, I think she figured this out on her own. Luckily we have yet to find her undressed in the morning!

One of her favorite things to do at Grandma and Grandpa's is to "rock, rock, rock, rock in her rocking chair" and watch one of Grandma's baby videos. All the stuffed animals you see strewn about usually sit in the rocking chair. Until Sofia gets there. The first thing she does is quickly toss them (and the chair cushion) aside so she can sit herself.

Another time, after her usual tossing of the animals she decided to put Grandma to work. She pointed to each animal for Grandma to hand to her until finally they were all sharing her rocking chair.

She really loves her Grandma

and her Grandpa.