As soon as Halloween neared a local party store by our house put a huge inflatable pumpkin on top of their warehouse. Sofia sees it everyday on the drive home and the first day she saw it she yelled, "Ap-poo!" I sort of giggled and said, "I know that may look like an apple, but it's actually a pumpkin." This continued the next day, and the day after that until eventually she started a debate with me. It goes sort of like this:
Sofia: Ap-poo
Me: No, that's a pumpkin, Sofia.
Her: Ap-poo!
Me: Pumpkin!
Her: Ap-pooooooo!!!
Me: Pumpkiiiiin!!!
Her: Ap-poo, ap-poo, (very high pitched now) ap-pooooooo!!!!
It goes on like this now at the sight of any pumpkin. And she laughs. She knows she's getting me. We have our first inside joke. She's so fun-loving, my girl!!
So in honor of apples (or pumpkins) here are some photos I took of Sofia at our last trip to the grocery store where they had a whole "ap-poo" display. She tried immediately to pick one up.
Then I had her sit on one of the small pumpkins but that was kind of awkward.
So I had her sit on a huge pumpkin and smile at me. She's such a doll!
But I guess now she thinks pumpkins (or ap-poos) are primarily used for seating because this is the first thing she did with the pumpkin we took home.
And while we're on the pumpkin topic, remember this? This is one of my all-time favorite pictures of my little pumpkin... just about a year ago. Where did the time go...?