I tend to blog at work. (Sorry, Michael!) But work has been really busy too. We're in the midst of doing all the marketing materials for the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2009 Home Tour. (We did not design the website though, in case you were wondering.) Among some other new clients and branding programs, we've also been hired to update all the signage for San Jacinto College. They have 3 campuses so it's going to be a big job.
And on top of that our office is moving to a new location in the Museum District. Sofia will stay at her same daycare even though it's now out of the way. She's just so happy there with her favorite teacher who she calls "Fluffy" and her favorite classmate (and word), "Kyle!"
And for yet more excuses as to why this blog has gone un-updated ... I have been out of town the last five out of 10 weekends! moving Papi (sad,) moving furniture (heavy,) celebrating Bachelorette Party in Atlantic City (fun, although tiring,) hosting two out of town Bridal Showers (also fun and tiring,) having a minor surgery (ouch,) and chasing this cutie (the best of all:)
This was taken during one of our many visits to Dallas, this one in particular to celebrate Uncle Jeff's 30th. Pictures to come...
We're also planning some fun adventures for October and November. Sea World in San Antonio, where David and Dan will run a half marathon, a wedding in New Jersey with visits to Connecticut to see family and to NYC to have fun!
And for the cherry on top of the icing of excuses... my camera broke. So I'm in the market for a new one which will be purchased soon. Until then, here are a couple Grandma took during our visits with them this past weekend.
She has so much fun singing Itsy Bitsy Spider with Tad and Grandpa,

reading books with Mommy and Grandma,

and especially trying on all of Grandma's hats.

And I promise I will share others with you soon... Love, Angie
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