Look at that belly!
Last night, like every other night, Dan and I went through the normal routine of putting Sofia to bed. I hold her in my arms and we say a prayer then shower her with kisses before laying her down in her crib. Last night right after "Amen" Sofia said, "I love you."
I melted.
She has said the words "I love you" for months now but this was the first time she said it on her own during a tender moment.
I want to remember that forever.
So, I got to thinking about some of the other little things she's been doing lately that I also want to remember forever.
Like this morning after getting her dressed, as I was sweeping her away to breakfast, she looked up at Mom's picture and said, "Bye bye, Baba!"
Or how much she loves to read books. Like this weekend when Grandma was over and they snuggled up in her chair and read a story.
Or how last week on the drive home from daycare she made a sound that sounded a whole lot like, "e-i-e-i-o." I sang Old MacDonald to her and indeed, she was singing along, "e-i-e-i-o." Then, believe it or not, the very next day on the drive home she sings something that sounds like, "ath-es. ath-es... down." So when we got home we played Ring Around the Rosies until we couldn't take it anymore. The best part is her giggle at the end when Daddy and I fall down. She's singing before she's speaking. I love it!
Or how she may have picked up on Mommy's purse obsession.
She carries the purse around and then says, "bye bye," as if she's off to run errands.
Or how much she loves her big pink ball that Aunt Betty and Uncle Bob gave her. Daddy taught her how to kick it while saying "kicky."
Or how she crosses her feet when she's in her highchair. Unless Mommy or Daddy are close enough to rest her feet upon.
Or how she "tells us stories." She loves to talk although only few words are decipherable. She goes on long monologues now with inflection and all. My favorite part is how excited she gets. She takes a lot of breaths like she can't keep up. I can't explain it well but hopefully will catch it on video soon.
Or how the other morning at day care instead of just saying "bye bye" like her usual she looked up at me and said, "Bye bye, Mommy." I didn't want to leave her! Her first sentence...
Or finally, how she runs now. It all started at day care. At the end of each day they get a little popsicle. She used to come to me with pure joy when I arrived. Now she sees me and RUNS to the freezer.
In other news.
We have a new family member.
I think we'll call him, "Potty."
Sofia has taken to saying "poop" before she makes a, well, poop. So I've decided now is as good a time as any to introduce her to a potty. I brought Potty home on Friday and they became fast friends.
Don't worry. We later moved Potty to his permanent home in the bathroom. And yes, in time, we will explain to her that it is most beneficial to sit on Potty without shorts on.
They're just getting to know each other.
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