A few of you know that last year we had big plans to throw a party to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday. I would design the invitations and Louis would write it. I wanted to do a timeline of Papi's interesting life but I needed Louis to make it funny. It was great! We poked fun at his love for Cuban coffee, his strong political views and his lack of hair. The last entry was August 2004 - First grandchild is born, Now answers to "Bobo." Nobody had seen the finished invitation yet and Papi didn't even know about it so I told them I wanted to show it to them in person. I had doctored two up especially for them that included a new entry, May 2007 - Finds out Angie's pregnant I had Mom read it outloud while Papi followed along. Papi read a bit ahead and I noticed his face full of surprise and excitement first and then it was Mom's turn. She jumped immediately out of her seat with a great joy and a warm hug. I will never forget that moment, as it's the last great memory I have of her.
I cry as I write this because I miss her so much and I know she would have enjoyed Sofia so immensely as she did Matthew. All I can hope is that she's watching over us now and is partly responsible for the strength that I've had in taking care of her. They become happy tears as I turn and look at my sweet girl, all smiles and coos. Despite my heartache, I am blessed.
32 Years Ago Today...
she gave birth to my brother, David. I know she was very proud of him and loved watching him become a father. Happy birthday, David!!! Here's a picture of David holding Sofia when she was first born.

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