Sunday, April 27, 2008

4 months of Sofia

Well, I took Sofia to the pediatrician for her 4 month well check. She did great! Here are her stats:

She weighs 13 lbs. 6 oz.

She is 24 inches long. Two whole feet!

And her brain is so big it requires the circumference of her head to be 16 inches.

She also got two shots in each thigh. She did cry but was over it pretty quickly. It's harder on me, I think, as I have to remind myself that I can't pinch her little (big) thighs all the time, Man! they're pinchable! Anyway, she slept a lot that evening but managed to wake up just as Dan and I started a movie.

We watched Into the Wild, a story based on true events (and a book by the same name) about a guy who decides that "society" is a joke. He takes a Thoreau-esque journey into the Alaskan wilderness. He starves to death. It was pretty depressing.

On that note, I'm off to eat lunch. Love to all!


sarahrenee said...

Sophia pia!! She is toooo stinking cute!!!!! We should plan a weekend to hang out!! they have that new park downtown!! We should check it out!!!

Emi said...

OMG...I love the pic that was posted. Peanut...can you get any cuter? Did they measure the cuteness during your 4 mos. check-up? I bet you were off the charts!

And BTW...I read an article recently about the guy in Into the Wild. What was not discussed in the book or movie was that he was suffering from a mental illness...I think schizophrenia.

Jessie Lathroum said...

I realize I am a little late here,... but I just watched that movie and it was TOTALLY depressing!!! :)