We're a happy little family blessed with two sweet girls. Hopefully this will be a place for you to keep up with us and see how fast our little girls grow.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Mama
Today would have been my mother's 63rd birthday. She left us far too soon and I know that everyone who knew her feels the loss.
My brother, Louis, sent this picture to me yesterday and I thought I'd share it with you. The camera didn't catch her smile in this picture but she was so happy on this day. We all gathered that day and surprised her with a party to celebrate her 60th birthday. She was surrounded by her family; and to her, family was the most important thing. She instilled the importance of family to all her children and for that I am very thankful.
Happy Birthday Mom! I love and miss you...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
4 months of Sofia
Well, I took Sofia to the pediatrician for her 4 month well check. She did great! Here are her stats:
She weighs 13 lbs. 6 oz.
She is 24 inches long. Two whole feet!
And her brain is so big it requires the circumference of her head to be 16 inches.
She also got two shots in each thigh. She did cry but was over it pretty quickly. It's harder on me, I think, as I have to remind myself that I can't pinch her little (big) thighs all the time, Man! they're pinchable! Anyway, she slept a lot that evening but managed to wake up just as Dan and I started a movie.
We watched Into the Wild, a story based on true events (and a book by the same name) about a guy who decides that "society" is a joke. He takes a Thoreau-esque journey into the Alaskan wilderness. He starves to death. It was pretty depressing.
On that note, I'm off to eat lunch. Love to all!