Sweet Crazy Ana has added so much joy and laughter to our lives and I've failed to mark it all down. So, let me tell you a bit of what I know about this girl.
1. She's crazy.
This may not be a fair statement since I have no photographic or video proof but I swear it's true. She's crazy and we love it. She will be perfectly calm one minute and the next she's screaming and grunting and flailing like a crazy baby. She loves life - that is for sure!
2. She loves to laugh. And anyone can make her smile.
3. Her tongue is always sticking out.
4. She loves her Big Sis - she spends entire car rides with her head raised so she can lean over and see Sofia.
5. She's positively precious.
My sweet Ana Banana - Ana B.,
Your big Sis started school last week and I now have the joy of spending quality alone time with you. I am so happy to have some uninterrupted hours of the day to focus on you. You're getting so big so fast and I just want to enjoy this fleeting time of your life. I so love holding you tight in my arms - you are a cuddly thing - kissing your cheeks a million times and making you laugh. You are such a sweet baby and your mommy and daddy love you oh so much!
And for the rest of us reading this I promise more pictures and better updates! Love, Angie