Sofia joined us for Ana's two week pediatrician appointment. Poor Ana did all the work and suffered through the exam, while Sofia reaped the reward of the lollipop.
Ana weighed 7 lbs. 6.5 oz. - she's up 7% of her birth weight which is great! And she had grown already 1.5 inches and is now 20.5 inches long. It is pretty remarkable how fast these little babies grow. And I'm not surprised because she's a great little eater - and far hungrier than I remember Sofia being as a newborn.
She's changing everyday and I swear I can see her little head growing before my very eyes. One of the first things I noticed about her was that she was a spitting image of her big sister. But in this short time she's changed so much already and I don't think she favors Sofia so much anymore. Her hair is much lighter and her complexion is more pink. It also seems that she has her Mommy's ears and her Daddy's nose, which is funny since Sofia seems to have her Mommy's nose and her Daddy's ears. But then again, who knows? She will continue to change and no matter what she's just going to be her - our little Ana!
We took our first family outing to visit Grandma's house.

Sofia loved showing Ana the baby toys she used to play with while at Grandma's and insisted upon putting together this play mat for Ana.

It was nice to see Grandma and very nice for me to finally get out of the house!
A couple of days later we took Ana on her first public outing to the Houston Museum of Natural Science so Sofia could visit the Butterfly Museum exhibit. (The camera was dead so I got no pics of it.) It was nice to get out again and I'm feeling better every day. I think it's sort of funny that Sofia's first outing was to the Galleria for a shopping trip and Ana's was to a museum.
We have loved having Daddy home so much during his break from work. Not only has he been so helpful to me but Sofia has had a blast playing with him. They're so fun - they even built the coolest fort in her bedroom which she kept up for three days. She even slept in it!
I looked at Sofia today and it actually dawned on me that she's not a baby anymore. She's getting so big - she's thick and strong and so, so smart. We started her in a new school, Immanuel Lutheran, just before baby Ana was born and she settled in right away. It's only been a month and she already talks about her new friends, sings new songs and comes home talking about all the new things she's learning there. She colors in the lines and is learning more and more Spanish. She's confident and self assured and we are so proud of her.
She's also a little crazy. She loves to sing and she loves to yell and run around like a crazy person. She's just a fun, little 3 year old - full of spunk. Here she is singing her new favorite song, Skima Rinky Dinky Dink.
She's like a little mommy, too. She's so proud of her little sister and takes the greatest care of her. She's constantly stroking her cheeks
and giving her kisses and she loves nothing more than to hold her and cuddle with her and she holds her every night before bed during story time.

She helped me give Ana a bath
and helps to change her diaper and I'm always astounded at how capable she is at such a young age. Can you tell how proud we are?
Now, not to say she hasn't had her moments of adjustment. In fact tonight when Ana's cries were interfering with her being able to hear her Olivia show she informed me, ever-so-seriously, that if I put Ana back in my tummy that she would stop crying.
She has also had a few moments of wanting to be a baby herself. I know she's trying to sort this all out so sometimes we playfully indulge her. I'll hold her and rock her and tell her stories of when she was my littlest baby. But sometimes we really have fun with her - like the day when Dan decided to swaddle her like a baby and even put her in Ana's bassinet. We were cracking up. Notice her sad face, that's to say that she's crying like a baby. She's so funny!
We've also had lots more visitors come to welcome Ana. We are so blessed to be so loved by some wonderful people.
My dear friend Lindsey came in from Tyler to visit her,

our family friend Ann stopped by too,

even the Ready twins came for a visit.

Things are good!