There it is...
Sofia shows off her belly button.We spent some time at Grandma and Grandpa's house yesterday. Here are some pics of the cutie Coussirat. She's so much fun!
There's a long list of new things she's doing but here are a few. For instance, she says "thank you" although it really sounds like "ah-choo." She's learned and practices sign language for the words, "more" and "water." She can tell you where her nose, ear, hair, head and tummy all are. Her favorite pastime these days is walking around the house with her push walker yelling, "Maaaaaaahhhhm," although I haven't figured out if she's referring to me or just likes the way it sounds! She's also turning out to be quite a comedian - even if she's the only one who gets the joke. She sits in the backseat of the car and will just start laughing for no reason, sometimes it's preceeded by sweet baby babbles that must mean something - at least to her! She's taken a few steps here and there but none seem to be on purpose. Grandma took some short video which I'll post soon.
Anyway, enjoy these recent pics of our cutie!!