Dan and I decided to participate in the Houston Heights 5K Fun Run and Walk last weekend. A friend of ours was the Chairman of the run so we thought we'd help support him and our neighborhood. Since my brother Louis has been "working on his fitness" we invited him to come along. We really had a great time. The run goes along Heights Blvd, which is lined with old oak trees and you run alongside all the beautiful historic homes in the neighborhood.
Dan ran the whole thing and came in at 27 minutes. Louis ran/walked and came in at 45 minutes. It took me and Sofia 53 minutes to walk the whole thing. It was hot and humid, even at 7:30 in the morning but we can't expect much more from Houston weather.
There was a professional photographer to capture us crossing the finish line. Not the most flattering photos but I'll share nonetheless! You can click this link
Heights Run and search for our photos by last name. Louis' last name was misspelled so you have to search under Mayer.