I can't believe November has come and gone. It's December which means our little baby is well on her way to age one! Here's a bit of what we were up to this November...
I plan on going back to work in some capacity after the New Year. While I'm excited about that it also means less flexibilty for traveling. So we had to go one last time this year to visit Sofia's Abuelita, Tia Atu and the rest of the gang in Miami. This is her third trip to Miami and I hope that throughout her childhood she'll consider it a second home. The trip was sort of last minute so we didn't do much but we got to see my Tio R and Tia Areli, my cousin Maggie and her kids and just relax with Atu and Piti. It was a lot of fun, as always.
on the airplane
with her Tia Atu
with Gaby
with Alex
Grandma & Grandpa
Grandma was a life-saver! I came back from Miami feeling fine and literally an hour after coming home from the airport I was full-on sick. I haven't been sick in over a year and I forgot how miserable it is. I could hardly get off the couch. Grandma was kind enough to take over. She took Sofia for a couple of days while I got better. And it was even better because although I managed to pass along my cold to Dan, Sofia fared perfectly healthy! Anyway, here's some pics that Loretta took during Sofia's stay.

Thanksgiving was great! We had dinner at David & Julie's and had far more food than we could ever need or eat. It was all delicious though. I must say our family does it up right - especially when it comes to food. I somehow managed to not take a single picture. Julie's sister Sonya took a bunch though so if I get some from her I'll add them. We also held our 1st Annual "Thanksgiving Mom" 5K. My mom was known to be very mild mannered and sweet. However, every Thanksgiving seemed to get the best of her. She would spend most of the day slightly stressed and flustered, ordering us around and begging for help. As kids (and even sometimes as adults) we were not much help at all! Over the years we dubbed this second personality "Thanksgiving Mom." So in her honor this year we decided to name a 5K race after her. I had plans to design a logo and t-shirts and all but unfortunately I was sick as a dog the week before. When I finally do the design I'll share with you.
This year we were missing Emily and Jeff who went to Kansas to spend the holiday with his family. We were also missing Emi who is our gourmet baker and cook! We managed still a ton of food without her though! She was on a 2 week cruise through Europe and while in Turkey she got Sofia a belly dancer outfit. It is so funny! The first chance I got to put it on her I did... here's some pics. It's hilarious! I couldn't pick one - so here's all of them.
New Toys
We went to Babies R Us to finally get Sofia into her bigger car seat. But since Daddy came with us she came home with toys! Here she is playing with her new walker. We think she'll be walking soon. We've both caught her standing on her own with perfect balance but she has yet to take a step on her own. Not that we're in any rush!!!
Saving, I mean, Babysitting Isaiah
Well, this actually happened in December, but who's counting? Anyway, my friend Lindsey needed a place to leave her adorable little nugget, Isaiah, while she went to a Christmas party. Lucky for us she left him with us. It was fun and we got a very small taste of what it must feel like to have twins. He was so good it seemed like maybe it would be easy although I highly doubt it is! He's actually a big nugget - he's only 6 months but he's more than caught up with Sofia in size. I think he even has more teeth than she does! He's such a sweetie and Sofia is so excited when he's around and I think Dan liked having a boy around for once.
Well, that's all for now. Love to all!!!